Bumper tables: a brilliant idea to respect social distancing during COVID-19
published on 1 June, 2020 at 12:53
A restaurant where you can sit at a "bumper table" designed to allow people to practice social distancing, keeping them 6 feet from each other, while eating and talking in a fun and creative way. The idea comes from the US and has been spreading around the world during the last few days. While complying with security protocols has caused distress to many companies, many of them have tried to reinvent themselves to offer effective and alternative solutions. Revolution Event, a company in Baltimore, creator of bumper tables, has received a lot of requests, increasing sales after COVID-19 crisis, due to the brilliant idea of making people sit in these revolutionary inflated tube tables to keep practising social distancing and still have fun. The bumper tables are designed to accommodate one person. So, people can ‘bump into each others’, socialize and laugh together by moving around freely while waiting for their meals. The first restaurant to offer this innovation was Fish Tales in the US, which decided to reopen by replacing traditional tables with "bumper tables" so customers could eat safely and enjoy a different experience. If on the one hand the Coronavirus has distorted our habits, on the other, there are some people who don’t give up on the economic crisis and try to start again, erasing fear with the power of ideas.
Thanks to Revolution Event Design ->
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