How to grow an avocado tree from a seed at home!
published on 1 March, 2019 at 15:02
A step-by-step guide , which shows you how to grow an avocado tree from an avocado pit!
1) Remove and clean pit
You’ll need to start by removing the pit from the avocado carefully (without cutting it), and then washing it clean of all the avocado fruit (often it helps to soak the pit in some water for a few minutes and then scrub all the remaining fruit off).
Be careful not to remove the brown skin on the pit – that is the seed cover.
You’ll need to start by removing the pit from the avocado carefully (without cutting it), and then washing it clean of all the avocado fruit (often it helps to soak the pit in some water for a few minutes and then scrub all the remaining fruit off).
Be careful not to remove the brown skin on the pit – that is the seed cover.
2) Locate which end is up and which is down
Some avocado pits are slightly oblong, whereas others are shaped almost like perfect spheres – but all avocado pits have a ‘bottom’ (from where the roots will grow), and a ‘top’ (from which the sprout will grow). the slightly pointier end is the top, and the flat end is the bottom. in order to get your pit to sprout, you will need to place the bottom root end in water, so it’s very important to figure out which end is the ‘top’ and which is the ‘bottom’ before you go piercing it with toothpicks.
3) Pierce with toothpicks
Take 3 toothpicks and stick them at a slight downward angle into the avocado seed, spaced evenly around the circumference of the avocado. These toothpicks are your avocado scaffolding, which will allow you to rest the bottom half of the avocado in water, so therefore the toothpicks need to be wedged in there firmly.
Take 3 toothpicks and stick them at a slight downward angle into the avocado seed, spaced evenly around the circumference of the avocado. These toothpicks are your avocado scaffolding, which will allow you to rest the bottom half of the avocado in water, so therefore the toothpicks need to be wedged in there firmly.
4) Place avocado seed half submerged in a glass of water
Set on a quiet windowsill with sunlight. It’s helpful to use a clear glass so you can easily see when roots start to grow, and also when the water needs to be changed.
Set on a quiet windowsill with sunlight. It’s helpful to use a clear glass so you can easily see when roots start to grow, and also when the water needs to be changed.
5) Wait for your avocado seed to sprout!
The top of the avocado pit will dry out and form a crack, a tiny taproot will begin to emerge.
The top of the avocado pit will dry out and form a crack, a tiny taproot will begin to emerge.
6) Pot in soil when tree is about 6” tall
When the stem is 6-7 inches long, cut it back to about 3 inches, this will encourage new growth.
7) Watch it grow
Give it frequent waterings with an occasional deep soak. The soil should always be moist, but not saturated. Yellowing leaves are a sign of over-watering; let the plant dry out for a few days.
When the stem is 6-7 inches long, cut it back to about 3 inches, this will encourage new growth.
7) Watch it grow
Give it frequent waterings with an occasional deep soak. The soil should always be moist, but not saturated. Yellowing leaves are a sign of over-watering; let the plant dry out for a few days.
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