Chocolate Orange Slices
published on 5 January, 2018 at 13:23
Ingredients:1 Orange: Thinly sliced
375ml Water
225g Sugar
100g Dark Chocolate
Bring your water and sugar to a simmer and stir until all of the sugar has dissolved.
Add your orange slices into the sugar syrup and simmer on low until translucent, this should take around 45 minutes.
Arrange your slices on a drying frame and allow to dry overnight*
Melt your chocolate of a double boiler and dip in the orange slices to cover two thirds of the slice.
Allow to cool in the fridge on a piece of baking parchment.
*If you want to give these as a gift they are better dried out further in an oven or dehydrator, 60Β°C or 140F is ideal.
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