Paella Valencia on the BBQ
published on 5 May, 2018 at 10:06
Pinch Saffron
2 Chicken Thighs
2 Rabbit Legs
½ Tbsp Salt
1 Tbsp Olive Oil
100g Runner Beans
50g Broad Beans
100g Artichoke
2 Cloves Sliced garlic
1 Tsp Smoked Paprika
1 Grated Tomato
750ml Hot Chicken Stock
200g Paella Rice
Light your BBQ and when the coals are white and hot with no flames add your paella pan.
Add the salt and then the oil to then pan.
Place the chicken and rabbit in the pan and cook until well browned flipping regularly, this should take around 15 minutes
Move to the side and add the runner beans and broad beans and cook until browned.
Add artichoke cook 3 more minutes.
Now add in the garlic and tomato and stir in.
Throw in the tomato, stir and allow to cook for 2 minutes.
Before we add the stock stir in the paprika.
We are now ready for the stock, ensure it is hot then pour it in followed by the rice.
Add your saffron.
It is important now that we keep the stirring to a minimum, so just flatten out the rice and allow it to cook for 20-25 minutes.
You want to have lots of different textures, so you will have rice that has ‘caught’ on the sides and the base and soft perfectly cooked rice in the centre.
Taste the rice you want it very nearly cooked with almost all of the liquid gone, when you have reached that point after 20-25 minutes (this will vary depending on your coals) wrap in tin foil and cook for another 5 minutes.
Serve with parsley and lemon wedges.
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