Caribbean Vegetarian Grilled Kebabs
published on 4 June, 2018 at 10:06
75ml Olive Oil
½ Tsp Salt and Pepper
½ Scotch Bonnet Chili (chopped)
10g Parsley
10g Coriander
½ Tsp Dried Thyle
2 Garlic Cloves
½ lemon
8-9 button mushrooms
1 Red Onion
1 Ear Sweetcorn
4 Mixed peppers
Add the salt and pepper and chilli to the olive oil.
Chop your parsley and coriander and discard the stalks and add to the oil along with the dried thyme.
Then chop your garlic and add to the oil.
Squeeze your lemon into the oil then mix.
Cut your red onion into 6 wedges and break into petals 2-3 deep.
Cut your sweetcorn into 2cm rings
Then chop your peppers into large chunks.
Combine your vegetables with the marinade then cover in cling film and allow to sit for an hour.
Thread the ingredients onto soaked bamboo skewers and grill over indirect heat for 10 minutes.
Move to the direct heart and cook on until cooked and blistered basting all the time with left over marinade.
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