
Pizza Croutons: the Easiest and Tastiest 20-Minute Recipe to Save Stale Bread!

Total time: 20 min.
Difficulty: Low
Serves: 4 people
By Cookist

Pizza Croutons are a delightful way to breathe new life into stale bread and embody the no-waste ethos in your kitchen. With this quick and easy recipe, you can transform those forgotten slices into something utterly delicious in just a few minutes. Perfect for enhancing salads, soups, or simply as a crunchy snack, these homemade croutons are tossed with tomato sauce, oil, salt, and oregano—a simple concoction that promises big flavor. After mixing, they're crisped to perfection either in an air fryer or oven, proving that convenience does not have to sacrifice taste. This recipe is ideal for anyone looking to minimize kitchen waste while still enjoying tasty, versatile toppings.

Croutons' History

The humble crouton has a storied past, with roots tracing back to medieval times when it was common to use every bit of food available, including hardening bread. Originally, these pieces of toasted or fried bread were used to sop up broths and stews, making meals more filling and satisfying. Over the centuries, croutons have evolved into a popular garnish, adding texture and flavor to a myriad of dishes. This modern twist not only honors that tradition of resourcefulness but also appeals to contemporary tastes with its robust seasonings and quick preparation. Whether you're a seasoned cook or a beginner, this recipe is a simple way to make the most out of every ingredient in your pantry.

Tips and Variations

Cut the bread into even-sized cubes to ensure that they all cook at the same rate, achieving uniform crispness.

– Ensure that each piece of bread is well-coated with the tomato sauce, oil, and spices. This helps in achieving a flavorful and evenly crispy crouton.

Keep an eye on the croutons as they cook, especially if using an air fryer, as they can go from perfectly crisp to overly browned quickly.

– Let the croutons cool completely before storing them. This prevents them from becoming soggy, preserving their delightful crunch.

– While stale bread works best for traditional croutons, don’t hesitate to experiment with different types of bread like whole wheat, rye, or sourdough for a variety of flavors and textures.

– Swap out oregano with other herbs like thyme, rosemary, or Italian seasoning to match the croutons with specific dishes. Adding garlic powder, onion powder, or smoked paprika can give an extra kick.

– Sprinkle grated Parmesan or your favorite cheese over the croutons before the final few minutes of baking for a cheesy delight.

– If you’re avoiding oil, use a light spray of a cooking spray or a small amount of broth to moisten the bread before adding the seasonings and tomato sauce.

What Can I Serve Pizza Croutons With?

These versatile and flavorful croutons can elevate a variety of dishes with their robust texture and rich seasoning. They are a perfect addition to a classic Caesar or mixed green salad, adding a delightful crunch that contrasts beautifully with the freshness of the greens. These croutons also make an excellent topping for creamy tomato or roasted vegetable soups, providing a savory crunch that complements the smoothness of the soup. For a more creative use, sprinkle them over a baked macaroni and cheese to introduce a crispy, herbed texture to the dish, or toss them into a Mediterranean pasta salad for an extra layer of flavor. Their robustness also makes them ideal for stuffing vegetables like bell peppers or tomatoes, offering a tasty and crunchy filling that enhances the overall dish.

Can I Bake Them in The Oven Instead of The Air Fryer?

Absolutely! You can definitely bake the croutons in the oven instead of using an air fryer. In fact, baking in the oven might give you a bit more control over even browning and ensure that the croutons dry out uniformly. To bake the croutons, spread them out on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper to prevent sticking. Preheat your oven to 200°C (392°F) and bake the croutons for about 15 minutes, or until they are golden brown and crispy. Be sure to toss them halfway through baking to ensure they crisp up evenly on all sides. This method is straightforward and yields delicious results, making it a great alternative to using an air fryer.

How to Store Pizza Croutons?

Store the croutons into an airtight container at room temperature for about a week. For longer storage you can also freeze the croutons, placing them in a freezer-safe bar or container, for up to three months. When reusing them make sure to reheat them in the oven for about 5 to 10 minutes at 350°F.

Find out how to prepare Pizza Croutons by following our step-by-step recipe and advice.

Stale bread
Tomato sauce
4 tbsp
Extra-virgin olive oil
as much as you need
dry oregano
as much as you need
as much as you need

How to Prepare Pizza Croutons

Cut the stale bread into slices and then into even cubes, pour them into a glass bowl and add as much tomato sauce as you need to coat them evenly.

Add the salt, oregano and olive oil to season them.

Mix them a bit to spread the seasoning and make sure all cubes of bread are evenly coated, then transfer to the air fryer basket, lined with a sheet of baking paper, to cook for about 8 minutes at 392°F (200°C), or until they have turned a golden brown.

Once the cooking time has passed, your pizza croutons will be ready to be enjoyed!

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