Apple and ricotta cake: here’s the secret to baking a fluffy and moist cake!
published on 7 July, 2017 at 10:42
Easy, tasty and fluffy!INGREDIENTS
280g flour
250g sugar
3 eggs
a pinch of salt
1/2 cup of milk
1 packet of baking powder
250g ricotta cheese
400g sweetened canned pineapple
Beat the eggs together with some salt and gradually add the sugar. Gradually add the flour, then mix in the ricotta, half a glass of milk and the apples ( previously cut into cubes). Add the baking powder, mix the batter and pour it into a buttered cake pan. Cover the top of the cake with sliced apples, brown sugar and cinnamon. Bake at 180°C for 50 minutes. We suggest using a toothpick to check if the cake is done.
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